About The Blog

I have been contemplating starting a blog for quite awhile now.  I haven’t come around to blogging here because, well, I have never been a blogger.  I have even viewed writing about personal experiences on a daily basis as a bit vain.  However, since arriving in South Africa, I have realized that keeping a blog is a wonderful way to let those few (those precious few!) people who want to know what is going on in your life know what is going on in your life.  That and I finally decided that way too much random and memorable stuff is happening here to let it go undocumented.  So I will post as often as I can in the coming 2 years.  I actually wish I would have started sooner but at least I’m starting.

The blog will serve as a bit of a journal so the quality of the writing might not always be the focus, but at least some of the experiences will be documented.  If you read it and have a reaction, let me know!  I’d love to hear from anyone who is kind enough to take the time to read my ramblings.  Thanks!


Love, -Andrew    


*And pictures for all of this are located here: http://picasaweb.google.com/andrewbernish/

Oh – and the opinions expressed throughout this blog are purely those of Andrew and are not representative of the US Government or Peace Corps

3 Responses to “About The Blog”

  1. Andrew, you are truly incredible. Keep writing. Katie

  2. Great way to document your experiences in SA as a PCV. Your blog and photos take me back to my days in SA (oh how I miss them). I wish you well with the rest of your journey in SA–know that your service and dedication to the people of SA is greatly appreciated.

  3. Hey! Great blog, I love reading about your South African adventures..brings back great memories of my gap year there. I lived in Lebowakgomo for 12 months in 2004 volunteering a school in nearby ga-mphalele.
    I look forward to reading about your adventures!

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